
目前显示的是 九月, 2021的博文

Breathing Exercise: For Health, Happiness & Longevity

  Like the beating of your heart, your respiratory system doesn’t need monitoring to continue on — every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day.  Whether you think about breathing or not, it happens.  This, in turn, leads many people to believe that they simply don’t have to think about their breathing. In this article, however, we’ll be countering this notion: Even though it’s not compulsory to give your breath much thought, when you do, amazing things can happen. Conscious breathing (or   breathing mindfully ) can transform your life. It can change the way you think and process emotions, how your muscles work, how often you get ill, your chances of developing chronic diseases, and even how smooth and shiny your hair looks. Surprised? Most people are. But as soon as they adopt some of the methods we’ll be outlining in this article, they become converts almost immediately.  So, let’s get started. We’ll begin by explaining why how you breathe is so ...

How to Get Back Healthy Lungs After Smoking

  It’s no secret that smoking has an adverse effect on your lungs and overall health. However, what may not be as well-known is that ex-smokers can have healthy lungs again! With the various methods below, you can clean your lungs and improve your overall health. Get started today! Quit Smoking The first step to repairing the quality of your lungs is to quit smoking. Your lungs and overall health will thank you immediately! According to WebMD, after 20 minutes into quitting smoking your blood pressure and pulse will already improve, giving your hands and feet improved warmth and circulation. Just one week after you quit smoking, your lungs begin repairing the cilia, or the hair-like projections that clear mucus and crud from your lungs. The inflammation of your lung tissue will reduce and improving your breathing. Unfortunately, this is also the moment when your cravings become the worst. Finding ways to distract yourself and do not give in! The benefits continue the longer you sta...

What Experts Say About Learning to Breathe Again After COVID

  From:https://www.verywellhealth.com/breathing-exercises-post-covid-5192842 Key Takeaways The lungs are not muscles and cannot be "exercised," but there are ways to strengthen your lungs' support systems if they have been weakened by COVID-19. Many exercises that work the diaphragm and surrounding muscles can be done at home. If you had severe COVID-19, you might need to work with a respiratory therapist to rebuild your lung function safely. Being able to take a deep breath is something that many of us take for granted, but like the millions of people who have survived COVID-19 are finding out, it can be hard to breathe easy after a severe respiratory infection. Verywell spoke to experts in lung health about what it may take for recovered COVID patients to regain respiratory fitness after having the virus. Can the Lungs Be Exercised? MeiLan K. Han, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of Michigan, and the author of ...

How Breathing Exercises Help With Anxiety and Insomnia

  From:https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-breathing-exercises-help-with-anxiety-and-insomnia-3015268 It is hard to fall asleep when you are stressed. If your mind is buzzing with thoughts or your body is burdened with tension, it can be impossible to doze off. Insomnia is often worsened by anxiety, but how might simple breathing exercises help? Learn about one of the most popular relaxation techniques to ease your difficulty sleeping.   Simple Exercises to Focus on Breathing Breathing is a lot like sleep: it should come naturally, and you shouldn’t have to think about it. When you have to focus on it, you know you are in trouble. Breathing exercises can help you to fall asleep if you have insomnia. Much like guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises are a helpful tool to have that can ease your mind and transition you to sleep.   Start by getting comfortable. If you're sitting in a chair, make sure that your feet are planted on the floor. Let y...

Resist viruses with breathing exercises - Strong respiratory muscles can help you through the lung infection caused by coronavirus

  From:https://www.epressi.com/tiedotteet/terveys/resist-viruses-with-breathing-exercises-strong-respiratory-muscles-can-help-you-through-the-lung-infection-caused-by-coronavirus.html Breathing exercises, according to the expert, are especially useful for the elderly, the smokers, and the obese. Strong respiratory muscles can help coping better with coronavirus disease, especially those in high-risk groups. Symptoms may be milder, intensive care may be avoided, and recovery may be faster.   Inhaling warm water vapor, in turn, helps keeping the mucous membranes in upper respiratory tract in good condition, which promotes their defense mechanisms against viruses.     Makes muscles stronger   Breathing exercises can be done at home with a counter-pressure breathing device such as the OPUMP. The resistance in the device makes inhaling and exhaling more strenuous than normal. This strengthens the respiratory muscles.   - All parts of the lungs will also be ...

Can breathing exercises help get you through coronavirus?

  By Jorge Estevez, WSB-TV and WSBTV.com   From:https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/can-breathing-exercises-help-get-you-through-coronavirus/UGEKN7VBTVBQ5I42PBUS3NEAIA/ ATLANTA — There is a lot of misinformation out there about possible cures and things that you can do help you get over the coronavirus if you become sick.   Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling tweeted out a video of breathing exercises that she says helped her get over the virus.   But can breathing exercises help you get over coronavirus? WSB-TV took that question and other concerns from our viewers to WellStar Health System pulmonologist Dr. Chirag Patel.   “I think we need to make sure, deep breathing, those breathing exercises that have been alluded to on the internet, those are always beneficial,” Patel said. “It’s important to take deep breaths, a bulk of the oxygenation exchange happens in the base of the lungs. You want to have those airways open to make sure you’re able to clear out debris ...

Breathing Exercises to Improve Shortness of Breath

  From:https://reverehealth.com/live-better/breathing-exercises-improve-shortness-breath/ Breathing might seem like a pretty natural activity, and for most people it is. But if you suffer from a condition that impacts your lungs or airway, such as asthma or COPD, your body may not be able to properly move air in and out of our lungs. Over time that means there is less room for fresh oxygen, causing you to use muscles in your back, neck, and chest to try and get enough air.   The feeling of being short of breath can be unnerving. Fortunately, there are methods available that can help you control breathing and train your body to breathe better. This kind of training is often done by respiratory therapists or physical therapists during pulmonary rehabilitation. These exercises can help control breathing and the anxiety that often comes with loss of breath. Over time, these techniques will allow you to focus on breathing, rather than on your anxiety about not being able to breathe...

Inspiratory muscle training improves pulmonary functions and respiratory muscle strength in healthy male smokers

  From:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30953791/ The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength of both healthy smokers and nonsmokers. Forty-two healthy males (16 in the IMT smokers group [IMTS], 16 in the IMT nonsmokers group [IMTN], and 10 in the placebo group) participated in the present study. Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design, IMTS and IMTN underwent 4 weeks of 30 breaths twice daily at 50% (+5% increase each week) of maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), while the placebo group maintained 30 breaths twice daily at 15% MIP using an IMT device. The data were analyzed with repeated measures for one-way analysis of variance, 3 × 2 mixed factor analysis of variance, and least significant difference tests. Respiratory muscle strength (MIP and maximal expiratory pressure [MEP]) and pulmonary functions significantly improved after a 4-week period (...