
目前显示的是 十一月, 2021的博文


Ever wonder what the number on the scale actually means? The answer lies in your body composition. First, let's sort out the difference between body weight and body composition (not to be confused with body mass index, which is your body weight divided by height). Your body weight is simply your body's total mass. Body composition is what your weight is made of—muscle, bone, water, and fat. Sounds great, but why should you care? Knowing where you stand is the first step to getting where you want to go. What you gain by knowing your body composition: 1. Body composition gives you a clearer picture of your health.  A person can be in a healthy weight range but practice a sedentary lifestyle, which is more common than you may think. Over 150 million Americans do not get enough exercise, leading to health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Body composition is a clear indicator of whether your body fat percentage is in a healthy range—10-20 percent for men an...


It’s the New Year, and just like last year, losing weight is this year’s most popular New Year’s resolution. You may think being thin is your surest path to health. But have you thought about your body composition lately? "Body composition is a measurement of a person’s fat mass and fat-free (lean) mass. Testing your body composition can be a great way to monitor and reach realistic health and fitness goals,” says Traci Thompson, MS, Director of PEAK Health & Wellness at the University of Utah. Losing Weight vs. Healthy Body Composition You’ve probably heard it over and over:  If you want to be healthy, lose weight! But when it comes to preventing heart disease and early death, it’s actually more important to be fit than skinny. "Having a healthy body composition isn’t just about losing weight. Studies show that being fit is more important than how much you weigh when it comes to lowering your risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality," explains Thompson...

Body Composition Analysis: What Is It And What To Expect?

  Body composition analysis is an assessment of the fat proportion to fat-free mass in the body. This assessment is considered vital for evaluating the health status of a person and more important for athletes to evaluate their total body composition. As for athletes, it is essential for them to stay in the healthy zone of a low range of body fat to muscle, bones and organs. Body composition analysis is typically recommended at the start of any weight loss program, weight gain or targeted training program. What Is A Body Composition Analysis? Body composition involves breaking down into core components-protein, fat, mineral and body water. It is the proportion of fat to the non-fat mass of the body. Healthy body composition is one that has lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass that includes muscle, bones and organs. The Basics Of Body Composition A desirable amount of body fat is essential for all individuals for protecting the vital organs, maintaini...

What Is Body Composition and Is It More Accurate Than BMI?

Bodyweight, body fat, BMI — what's the difference? Is one measurement better than the others? As you're well aware, the wellness industry uses a number of measurements to determine your health and fitness levels. And, as you are probably even  more  aware, each of these measurements comes with its fair share of shortcomings. Here's why: Measurements such as your weight or body mass index offer one narrow view of your health. Rarely — if ever — do they provide the whole picture.  This poses a problem when you commit to a certain wellness goal. As the saying goes, you cannot improve what you cannot measure. If you don't have accurate measurements to begin with, it can prove very difficult to move forward. Today, I answer the question, "What is body composition?" and explain why it provides a more accurate depiction of your health than other measurements. Please note: This post is meant for informational purposes only, and should not b...

The Importance of a Body Composition Analysis

  Like many people, you may have a love-hate relationship with your bathroom scale. According to the  International Food Information Council , 33% of adults in the United States are eliminating major food groups or following a strict eating plan to see the number on their scale go down. While your total body weight matters, it’s not the only measurement you need to take into consideration when it comes to weight loss and good health, Your body composition is also an important reference factor. Why, you may wonder, does my body composition matter? Well, because your health and wellness depend on more than just your total body weight -- the number you see on your bathroom scale. Body composition analysis It’s no secret that excess body fat isn’t good for your health. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing many chronic health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, joint pain, and heart disease.  Though the scale helps you track the total number of ...

What is Body Composition Analysis?

Body composition is one of the most effective ways to measure health and longevity. It gives you great insight into your health and can be used to measure your progress toward your personal goals. Here’s what body composition analysis is and how it can be used to your benefit.  What is Body Composition Analysis?  Your body composition refers to what percentage of your body is made of fat and muscle, among other components.  While stepping on a scale or determining your body mass index (BMI) are often the go-to ways to try and get a numerical sense of your health, they don’t really tell you much. In fact, the CDC actually says that BMI is not a good tool for accurately determining someone’s body fat, or to assess overall health. This is because BMI doesn’t take into consideration the different components that make up your individual body. Plus, while fat and muscle can weigh the same, muscle is much more dense. On the other hand, a body composition analysis is a metho...

Body Composition and Body Fat Percentage

  Body composition is the proportion of fat and non-fat mass in your body. A healthy body composition is one that includes a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass, which includes muscle, bones, and organs. Knowing your body composition can help you assess your health and fitness level. Often, you will measure your body composition at the start of a weight-loss or fitness program and then check it periodically to monitor your progress. What Is Body Composition? Your body is composed of two types of mass, body fat, and non-fat mass. 1  Here's some key difference between the two: Body fat : This can be found in muscle tissue, under the skin (subcutaneous fat), or around organs (visceral fat). Some fat is necessary for overall health. "Essential fat" helps protect internal organs, stores fuel for energy, and regulates important body hormones. But you may also have excess storage of fat and non-essential body fat. Non-fat mass : This includes bon...

Body Composition Analysis: Learn What Your Scale Isn’t Telling You

Stepping on the scale at the gym, in your home or at the doctor’s office tells you an important piece of information about your health: your weight. But that number alone has some limits. Two people of the same weight could be in two very different stages of health, after all. We are not just made of up body fat and bone, but also of muscle and water too. Those individual numbers play some key roles in fitness. This is where the process of Body Composition Analysis can help to provide a more complete, and more accurate, image of your health and makeup. What is Body Composition Analysis? Body Composition Analysis is the process of breaking down the number on the scale into its contributing components of fat, muscle, and water. This can be done in a clinical setting with X-Rays, in a Personal Training office with calipers, in water or air chambers through displacement, or through the use of special high-tech scales. However the analysis is done, the goal is the same: to accurately estima...

Your Body Fat Percentage: What Does It Mean?

  The bathroom scale is a standard tool for anyone trying to get into better shape. Many either dread or anticipate what that little scale will say. But can the scale tell you the whole story? While it may be a good idea to keep tabs on your weight, it is also important to understand what makes up your weight. Body composition refers to the proportion of fat you have, relative to lean tissue (muscles, bones, body water, organs, etc). This measurement is a clearer indicator of your fitness. No matter what you weigh, the higher percentage of body fat you have, the more likely you are to develop obesity-related diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Overfat Versus Overweight Your body mass index (BMI) is a measurement that takes your height into account. Health professionals use BMI to calculate whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. For most people, BMI is closely associated with the...

What Your Body Composition Metrics Actually Say About Your Health

And why you want a scale that measures more than just your weight. When you step on a traditional scale, a few things happen: First, maybe a twinge of anxiety. Then, a bodyweight number readout. Digits flash for three seconds and that's that. Back to zero, next in line please step up. Whether you’re delighted, indifferent, or momentarily defeated by the number, we know it’s generally smart to keep tabs on your weight. A 2017 study of 294 female University of Pennsylvania freshman found that daily self-weighing could help mitigate unwanted weight gain, as has long been theorized. However, there are loads of factors that play into our overall bodyweight. So it's also important to understand the many specific measurements that contribute to the complete picture of your health. Enter body composition. This refers to the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in the body. Let’s break down these percentages, with average estimates for each. Body fat percentage What it is: ...

Reading Your Body Fat Scale Correctly - What's It Mean?

  So you've got a body fat scale, but you're not sure how to interpret it. Traditional scales measure your weight. Tracking weight loss is not the best method of watching your progress. For any weight loss program, it is not weight you are concerned with losing, it is body fat. A body fat scale measures the percentage of fat in your body. Tracking your body fat percentage is a more accurate measurement of your health and fitness. However, it is important to understand what your body fat percentage means to help with your goals. Body Fat Range The general body fat range is anywhere between 6-25% for men and 14-31% for women. Men should never have less than 2% body fat, and women need at least 10% body fat to be healthy. More than 26% body fat for men or 32% body fat for women is considered obese. How to Measure Body Fat There are several ways to measure your body fat. Some are more accurate, some more expensive, and some more convenient. Here are the various methods of measuring...

The Best Smart Scales To Track Weight, BMI, Body Fat Percentage And More

Get an in-depth look at your body just by stepping up to the plate Stepping on the scale is traditionally a fairly simple affair. You step on, rub your eyes in disbelief at the number given, and step off already mentally knocking a couple of kilos off the weight shown for reasons that seem entirely justifiable at the time. The scales of today, however, go well beyond basic weight measurements. They can also tell you how much of your body is fat, muscle, water and bone. They can even recognise which member of your household is stepping on the scales and beam your results to an app. This is all valuable information because trying to be healthier is about much more than simply losing weight – which doesn’t take into account the muscle you might have gained through exercise, or whether you’re actually shredding fat as the kilos drop off you. Admittedly, smart scales are not 100% accurate, but they’re useful to show changes over time – certainly more so than those that measure your body mas...