
目前显示的是 十二月, 2021的博文

Why Do I Weigh Less ln The Morning?

Whether you're trying to lose weight or gain weight - or even stay the same - stepping on the scale may be a regular part of your daily routine. Weighing yourself regularly is a useful indicator of success, but it can also help if you know how your weight changes from day to day or week.   Why can you reduce weight in the morning? Why does the number on your scale keep moving up and down for no apparent reason? Before you get depressed about your "numbers," you should know the facts that affect your weight.   The truth about your weight is that it can fluctuate by 2 to 4 pounds in a 24-hour period. Why Do You Weigh Less In The Morning? D ehydration When we wake up in the morning, our bodies are basically dehydrated. During the 7-8 hours we sleep, we don't eat or drink anything. In addition, all the water stored in the body is lost during the night. Even mild dehydration can lead to significant weight loss.   Instead, drink 2-3 glasses of water before bed to prevent de...

Breathing Exercise for Covid

  COVID-19 is known to be a respiratory disease that causes severe lung damage and breathing problems, among many other health problems. It may take a while for your body to return to normal after a disease like COVID-19, and targeting the respiratory system can significantly affect your lungs, heart, and muscles. As the virus continues to spread, you may wonder if strengthening your lungs will help you fight it off if you are infected. Raymond Casciari, a pulmonary ologist at St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange, Calif., says, "The first thing that happens with COVID-19 is shortness of breath and oxygen saturation starts to go down. The better your lungs are, the better off you'll be." Breathing exercises can help strengthen the lungs and may be beneficial in reducing the effects of COVID-19 infection on the respiratory system. You can strengthen these muscles and improve your overall breathing ability with a variety of exercises. Building Lung Strength at Home Deep  brea...

How to Breathe While Running?

  Do you know how to breathe while running? Many beginner runners soon find themselves out of breath. This usually means they are moving too fast. But it can also be caused by inefficient breathing while running. Your breathing is critical, especially when you're running, which can cause you to feel short of breath. To maximize your performance, you must adjust your breathing and make appropriate improvements.                                    Photo by  Jenny Hill  on  Unsplash Why does it feel difficult? Strenuous exercise such as running causes your muscles and respiratory system to work harder than usual. You need more reliable sources of oxygen and have to remove the buildup of carbon dioxide, which makes breathing harder. Your breathing quality can be an indicator of your fitness level or how much your body responds to the speed and intensity of your run. If you work too h...

How to Measure Body Fat?

Body fat percentage is a measure of body composition that shows how much of your body weight is fat.                                    Photo by  Szabolcs Toth  on  Unsplash Why Measure Your Body Fat? Weight by itself is not a clear indicator of good health, as it does not distinguish between pounds from body fat and pounds from lean body mass or muscle. A body fat test is an attempt to divide every pound of your body into two categories: your fat mass and everything else. Everyone needs some fat to survive and function. However, when too much fat is stored in the body, it can lead to obesity and obesity-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and even some forms of cancer. In fact, obesity is responsible for at least half of chronic diseases in western societies Also, knowing your body fat percentage can help you track progress toward your fitness goals. What Should My B...

What is muscle mass?

                               Photo by  Anastase Maragos  on  Unsplash Muscle mass is the amount of heart, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle in your body - it's critical to your overall health. It can be measured along with fat mass and bone mass as part of overall body composition. However, when people talk about muscle mass, they usually mean skeletal muscle. This type of muscle is important for mobility, balance and strength. It's a sign of body function, which is why we're always told to build muscles. Increasing muscle mass means: - Increases energy levels - Stronger immune system - Reduce body fat, - Reduce stress.   How much muscle do I need? Generally, the normal range for muscle mass is as follows: Ages 20-39: 75-89 percent for men, 63-75.5 percent for women Ages 40-59: 73-86 percent for men, 62-73.5 percent for women ages 60-79: 70-84 percent for men, 60-72.5 percent...

Breathing Exercises for Better Sleep

  Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Insomnia can take a toll not only on your energy and mood, but also on your health, work performance, and quality of life. Insomnia affects 30 to 35 percent of adults, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Stress is a common cause of insomnia because it keeps people awake, overthinking and unable to relax. About 30% of adults suffer from acute insomnia, while 10% suffer from chronic insomnia. Insomnia can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, poor concentration and depression.                                        Photo by  Sammy Williams  on  Unsplash It's frustrating, but you can actually fight insomnia by breathing! Breathing exercises help reduce stress and anxiety and help you relax before bed. Studies have shown that these changes help us fall asleep. The...

6 Breathing Exercises For Anxiety

  Anxiety is the body's normal response to stress. It's part of the "fight or flight" response that occurs when someone is faced with a real or perceived physical or emotional threat. Anxiety may energize you or help you focus. But for people with anxiety, fear is not temporary and can be overwhelming. In such cases, doctors tend to recommend trying breathing exercises. Breathing exercises are often used to help people relax or cope with stress. They can be important because people with anxiety tend to breathe fast, shallow breaths through their chest. This pattern can disrupt oxygen and carbon dioxide levels that normally balance when you breathe. Breathing exercises can help people slow their heart rate and feel calm.                               Photo by  Joice Kelly  on  Unsplash Chest vs. Abdominal Breathing Most people aren't really aware of the way they breathe, but there are usually t...

Breathing Exercises for COPD

  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, is a long-term lung disease that causes difficulty breathing. The disease affects millions of Americans and is the third leading cause of disease-related death in the United States. Difficulty breathing is one of the most disturbing symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Even if it happens only occasionally, the feeling of having trouble breathing can be uncomfortable and scary. But simple breathing exercises for COPD can strengthen the muscles you use to breathe, reduce breathing difficulties and improve quality of life. 4 Breathing Exercises for COPD: Deep Breathing Deep breathing can help your body take in more fresh air and prevent air from getting trapped in your lungs. Sit or stand in a comfortable position, with your elbows positioned slightly back. This position allows your chest to expand more fully. Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can. Let ...

How Do Body Fat Scales Work?

Although the scale is a useful tool for measuring weight loss, it is limited to assessing one component: weight. On the other hand, measuring body fat percentage can better gauge the effectiveness of your diet and exercise program. A body fat scale is a device that a person can use to measure their weight and body composition at home. The term "body composition" refers to the relative percentage of body fat, muscle, and water. How do they work? The body fat scale uses a technique called bioelectrical impedance analysis to measure body fat. Basically, you step on a small sensor that sends tiny, unobtrusive electrical currents on one leg and the other, measuring the amount of resistance encountered along the way. Fat is a poor conductor of electricity compared to other parts of the body, such as muscle. So the idea is that the more resistance the current experiences, the higher the body fat content. Body fat scales can provide a wealth of information including: Metabolic age Ba...

Breathing exercise for stress

  Breathing exercises provide an extremely simple, effective and convenient way to relieve stress and reverse the stress response, reducing the negative effects of chronic stress. Chronic stress can be harmful to your body and mind. It puts you at risk for health problems. When you're stressed, your body responds by releasing hormones that increase your blood pressure and heart rate. This is called the stress response.                         Photo by  Francisco Moreno  on  Unsplash How do breathing exercises reduce stress? Breathing exercises reduce stress by increasing oxygen exchange, which lowers blood pressure, slows the heart and releases any pressure on the abdomen. These physical changes also benefit your state of mind -- focusing on your breath brings you into the present and into a mindful state. Many people inadvertently become shallow breathing -- an unconscious pattern of breathing in through th...